Learning to Paint with Alison C. Board

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Technique Tuesday returns after a summer break

Oh I did miss you all, but for personal and professional reasons, it just wasn’t possible to keep TT going throughout the summer. But now I’m back and raring to go with a new look website and a re-invented TT so what’s not to like about those things?

I hope you like the new website, similar to all things in my creative practice, there’s a reason behind the new logos and imagery (which you can read about HERE) and it wasn‘t built by some fancy creative agency and it’s upkeep isn’t by a team of web technicians, it’s all just little ol’ me working on it endlessly behind the scenes so if there’s a bit of it that doesn’t work as you hoped it would or there is a typo, it’s simply because I haven’t spotted it or haven’t quite had the time to get to it yet. You are always welcome to help me by finding them and pointing them out but be gentle…

So on to the new TT, I’m very excited about this and if you tuned in live, you will have already heard me explain the new format but just in case you haven’t, the idea is that instead of preparing a project and executing that, that you become more involved in the process as I will be answering your questions live on air. Yes you heard that correctly, LIVE and that way I can be helpful directly with your creative projects and we can learn together.

For future broadcasts, if you would like to join in, tune in during the hour we have together and pop your question in the chat. I’ll either answer it straight away, demonstrate something that shows how you might like to go about it, suspend the question for another broadcast or point you in the direction of a resource that might work. There is always a chance that your questions crops up in more than one broadcast if I think that I have a more comprhensive answer when I have thought about it for a bit!

You will get to see exactly how I work, how I find my inspiration, how I research, what material decisions I make, how I prepare and everything in between. I’m excited that you will get to see a more rounded view of how a professional artist works, not just the end of the process.

After the broadcast has gone live you will be able to watch it back below, do leave me a question in the comments either here or on YouTube and I will look forward to you all joining in, in the future, Ali