How do you use masking fluid and the MANY application techniques

Ah so we meet again Masking Fluid, the nemesis to all watercolourists. I don’t think you can call yourself a watercolourist if you haven’t thrown your hands in the air in disgust because this temperamental product hasn’t done what you asked of it.
Therefore, I’m hoping this TT broadcast will get to the bottom of it all for you AND you will get to see me change my mind about what I recommend to use…at least I think I will change my mind but we will find out won’t we?

If you have a masking out secret, I’d love to hear it in the comments below or if you have a foolproof combination of masking fluid brand and paper that means it works every time, please list it so that when people visit this blog, I can point them in the direction of what others have recommended, that would be really useful.

Keep the questions coming in and do tune in to the chat on YouTube either live or archived afterwards so you can see what the Learning to Paint community was discussing. There’s a poll over on my social media channels asking what you would like answered in 2025, you can find it HERE in my Facebook group (you may want to join) so do feel free to get involved and have your say, I look forward to reading the suggestions.

After the broadcast has gone live you will be able to watch it back below, do leave me a question in the comments either here or on YouTube and I will look forward to you all joining in, in the future, Ali

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