Terms and Conditions oof, they are dull aren’t they? But they are good to have in place so that we all know where we stand. We suggest you pull up a chair and have a read - we aim to be as transparent as possible.

Updated January 2025

We make all reasonable efforts to ensure that all information on this site, including products and services information, availability and pricing, is accurate, complete and up-to-date, but there may be errors which we fail to notice for which we shall not have any liability. In addition, all our content is only valid at the time it is downloaded and may change on a subsequent visit to our site. We reserve the right to correct any errors and to change any information (including services, products, stock availability, pricing and delivery charges) at any time without notice.

Our website and any transactions conducted through this website are in the English language only.

If a link to a third-party website is on our website you should note that these third-party websites are not our responsibility and you visit them at your own risk.
If you supply any data to them, you should read their privacy policy.

Our website and services will be available at such times as we may decide. We may suspend our website and services at any time without notice and for any reason, including for upgrade, maintenance, repair, prevention of damage, and investigation.

Relationships with other users and staff:
You must always be polite, truthful, honest and reasonable to other users, us and our staff. You must not engage in any behaviour in relation to other users, us or our staff which may violate any rights or harm or threaten the health, welfare or safety, or which is criminal or otherwise contrary to the law.

Use of our website and services:
You agree to use our website and services only for lawful purposes reasonably connected to the intended purpose of our website and services, and you must not use our website or services for, or in connection with, any unlawful or criminal activity, or in a way that may inhibit the use and enjoyment of our website by any other person or disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, or in a way which may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person, or in any way that may damage, unreasonably burden or disrupt our website or services, or otherwise in a way contrary to these terms. 

Nothing in these terms shall affect your statutory rights as a consumer to the extent they may not be excluded or limited by law. This includes any rights you may have under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982, The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.

We may at any time unilaterally change these terms by publishing a new version on our website. You are responsible for reviewing regularly our website to look out for updates.  By continuing to use our website and services after any such change you will be considered to have accepted the change.


This statement confirms Alison C. Board’s commitment to protect your privacy and to process your personal information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.

What personal data we might need and why

Alison may collect, process and store the following examples of personal data on your behalf, although she may, at times, also need other personal information that is not listed here:

-        Your name

-        Your email address

-        Your address

-        Your payment information

Alison will only process this information if:

-        She has written consent from you, the controller, in the form of a signed contract.

-        It is necessary for Richard to carry out her duties

-        She needs to carry out her legal and regulatory duties


Protecting personal data

Alison has appropriate technical and organisational measures in place to protect personal data. She will handle and protect the personal data in line with the General Data Protection Regulations.


1.      Personal data will be processed fairly and lawfully.

2.      Personal data will be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purpose(s) and will not be processed in a manner that is not compatible with that purpose(s).

3.      Personal data will be adequate, relevant, and not excessive in relation to the purpose(s) for which they are processed.

4.      Personal data will be accurate and where necessary, kept up to date.

5.      Personal data will not be kept for longer than is necessary.

6.      Personal data will be processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights outlined in the GDPR.

7.      Appropriate technical and organisational measures are in place to protect personal data from unauthorised or unlawful processing and from accidental loss, damage, or destruction.

8.      Personal data will not be transferred to a country or territory outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) unless Alison can be assured there is an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of the data subjects


Accessing your information (Subject Access Requests)

Under the Act, you are entitled to ask for a copy of the personal information that Alison holds about you and to have any inaccuracies in your personal information corrected. When you submit a request for your personal information, you are entitled to:

-        know what personal information we are processing or have processed;

-        why we have processed your personal data − the reason(s) and purpose(s) for the processing of your personal information;

-        know if we have shared your personal information and if so, with whom and for what purpose(s).

Requests for your personal information must be submitted to Alison in writing and they must be sent via email to alisoncboard@gmail.com or through the post to Downend Farm Studio, 3 Downend Farm, Bushes Road, Stourpaine, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8SY

For more information

If you have any questions regarding this policy please email Alison via alisoncboard@gmail.com or 07807 024194.


Your Class Fee

Your class fee covers tuition from artist Alison C. Board and advice and possibly use of a selection of quality equipment applicable to your session.

Please note, you will need to supply some of your own art materials to use. Once you’ve booked a class, a list of materials specific to that class will be available to you.

The full course fee is payable on booking to secure your place in a class. Bookings and payments must be made online, unless in exceptional circumstances, but please contact us for future assistance.

Please be aware that we incur charges on every single transaction made through the website, bank transfer or via PayPal, including accountancy, payment processing, payment commission and transfers of funds across our various financial partners therefore we ask that you make yourself aware of the costs of a course or event before payment so that you understand what you are committing to.

Use of technology to access tutorials/workshops

We will attempt, at every requested opportunity, to assist anyone who wishes to take part, with their technology. However, we do assume that you have a basic level of understanding of websites, devices and software, as if we currently have a high demand or Alison is away from her desk, it may not be possible to assist you as quickly as you might like. One of the first places we suggest you enquire if you need help is by reaching out to a relative or friend who has a little technology knowledge..

Reference Photographs and Royalty-Free Images

If you have booked onto a class that requires you to bring/supply your own photographic reference to paint from, please ensure it is royalty-free and/or it has a Creative Commons no attribution license.  If it is brought to light during a session where you are infringing copyright, you will immediately be requested to use an alternative source.

Parking at Downend Farm Studio or another venue being hired by Alison

Owners park at their own risk; Downend Farm Studio/Alison C. Board/Learning to Paint will not accept responsibility for any accident, loss, or damage incurred.

Attending a session at Downend Farm Studio

If you are attending a session at the studio, please be aware that it may also be being held online at the same time. Alison does not mute her microphone during these sessions to allow her to commentate and assist those who are using the internet to communicate with her, therefore it is imperative that all discussions be kept at a low volume and NO use of appliances (a heat gun is permitted) while she is talking. In return, she will make sure that you have time to use any relevant tools before the next step of her instruction, footage will be relayed via the large TV screen in the studio but you will of course be able to watch over Ali’s shoulder at any point during the day.

Please be aware that you will be seen in any footage broadcast from the site (you may be watching from behind her), and there is the possibility of your voice being heard as her microphones are very sensitive.

Downend Farm Studio is a working studio so there may be projects being worked on that Alison does not wish to be made public, there may also be items or documents of a personal nature. Your discretion is appreciated.

Downend Farm Studio houses equipment that requires care and respect, please be thoughtful when working in the vicinity of it.


In order to access any free or pay-in-advance tutorials delivered by this website, you must create an account with us. In this account, you can keep your payment details and a record of your past purchases. PLEASE NOTE, WE DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THIS AREA, THIS IS FOR YOUR USE ONLY AND REQUIRES A PASSWORD. Should you lose your password or wish to alter it, you can do so via the log in box when you sign in. This website is hosted by Squarespace, one of the world’s leading website providers and all of Squarespace’s built-in payment processor integrations are compliant with PCI-DSS. Sensitive card data is never handled by Squarespace, it goes directly to the payment processor’s servers; Squarespace does not have access to this information and neither do we.

When you have selected your tutorial and either paid a fee or accessed a free video, it will be stored in the ‘Digital Products’ area of your account. We cannot send you the video as it is housed on the website.

If you have purchased a tutorial in error, please get in touch immediately but note there will be a 50% admin fee implemented to resolve your issue.

You are welcome to email ali@learningtopaint.co.ukto discuss any questions you may have before purchase.


This policy only applies to Alison’s classes held at or hosted by Downend Farm Studio/Alison C. Board/Learning to Paint. Any classes run at another venue will be subject to different policies.

Cancelling your booking

If you must cancel your booking, please let Alison know as soon as possible. Your booking will be considered cancelled from the time at which you inform Alison or another employee of Downend Farm Studio of your wish to cancel.

If you cancel more than 30 days prior to your class you are entitled to a refund of 50% of the amount paid for the class. If you cancel less than 30 days before your class, no refund will be given.

To avoid any financial penalties, you can transfer your booking to another person at any time before your class and inform Alison of the change.

Please be aware that we incur charges on every single transaction made through the website, bank transfer or via PayPal, both incoming and outgoing. It is unfair to expect us to cover this charge in a situation that is not of our making.

Reductions or refunds are not available to students arriving late or leaving their course early.

Cancellation by Alison C. Board

Occasionally, Alison may need to cancel a course due to unforeseen circumstances. If your course is cancelled, you can transfer to another course, subject to availability, at no extra charge, unless the new course has a higher cost in which case you will need to pay any difference. Alternatively, Alison will refund your course fee in full. If you paid for the course using gift vouchers, these will be reinstated from the date of the cancellation.

Issues during tuition

If you encounter an issue during a class, tutorial or workshop, please inform Alison, as discreetly as possible in the circumstances, at the time of the event. It is next to impossible to rectify a situation with swift action if we are informed of it in hindsight.

Painting on Location/Workshops and Tuition delivered by Alison as part of a holiday organised by her

Alison C. Board endeavours to be a responsible provider and does her utmost to ensure your safety at all times, however, you participate in a Summer School at your own risk and must have comprehensive holiday insurance that covers any accident that may occur during your time.

Personal travel insurance:

Each guest must have fully comprehensive travel insurance.

Any issues during a summer school/extended tuition time:
Alison does her very best to ensure that your time with her is everything you expected it to be (and more!), and that you return home happy, inspired and satisfied. However, if any problem should arise during your time with Alison, please inform her as soon as possible so that the problem can be resolved quickly and efficiently, it is next to impossible to rectify a situation with swift action if we are informed of it in hindsight.


Any/All tuition attended under the tutelage of Alison C. Board or an assigned member of staff is covered by UK Copyright Law. Should you wish to share, display or reproduce any works created or as a direct result of education, instruction or inspiration supplied by this site, permission MUST be granted or legal action will be taken. This also applies to any work of art or content created by Alison or a member of her staff that is found on this site, her YouTube channel or any of her social media platforms.

Should you wish to share on social media, please implement the following: ‘From a tutorial by Alison C. Board’ or ‘Inspired by Alison C. Board’ and use a tagging system to make sure that it is seen by us.
Should you wish to turn your painting into printed/gift matter: This firstly requires written permission from us in the form of an email for each individual work, accompanied by an image of the work so that it can be reviewed and attribution MUST be implemented on either the reverse (greetings card), title on front (print) or display (exhibition), with wording as above.
Should you wish to display your work, even if not for sale: This firstly requires written permission from us in the form of an email for each individual work, accompanied by an image of the work so that it can be reviewed and attribution MUST be implemented on either the reverse (greetings card), title (print) or display (exhibition), with wording as above.

All of these requirements should be requested BEFORE action or permission will be denied.

If you have any queries in reference to the above, we welcome a conversation to ensure clarity.



To order through our website, you are welcome to register for our free account. This stores your payment information and purchase history. We DO NOT have any access to these details and any passwords that you set up are your responsibility, should you need to change your password, please follow the on-screen prompts. You must be eighteen (18) years old or over to register for an account. You are responsible for safeguarding your username and password details. You should choose strong passwords (a random combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and other symbols, of at least 12 or more characters in length, which you have not used on any other site)

When we receive your order we will send you an e-mail to confirm receipt of your order, and our website may also return a web page to confirm the successful submission of, or receipt of, your order.

Payment must be made with your order and received by us before any products or services will be despatched or shipped.


We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver all products and services in accordance with the applicable delivery method, to the delivery address specified in your order.

Requesting a parcel to be left in a safe place is done so at your own risk.  If anything happened to the parcel, and the delivery company have proof of delivery we cannot be held responsible for the missing products. 

In the very unlikely event that your order goes missing, please let us know immediately, we will investigate the disappearance and when all avenues have been exhausted we will replace your products and take appropriate action.

We are a small team and we like to make sure that your order is correct, packed up appropriately and arrives safely, therefore we cannot promise the same speedy service as a much larger company. Please know that we have your order and we will get it to you as soon as we are able, we say 4 working days but are often faster than this. If you are ordering something for a class or event, please allow plenty of time for it to reach you.

Order Cancellations/Returns

In relation to any products you order, you have a right under the Consumer Contracts (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 to cancel your order and return the products by giving notice to us within 14 days after the day you receive the products. You then have 14 days to return the goods to us, in the same condition as they were sent to you and we will issue a refund within 14 days to the original payment used. If the items arrive to you damaged in transit, please contact us with a clear photograph of the parcel both before and after it was opened and we will endeavour to rectify the situation as quickly as we can.


Alison and all associate Downend Farm Studio/Learning to Paint staff always strive to provide everyone with the best customer experience, however, things can go wrong. If you’re not happy with the service or products you have received, please contact Alison.

If you encounter an issue, please inform Alison in writing, at the time of the event. It is next to impossible to rectify a situation with swift action if we are informed of it in hindsight.

Complaints will be dealt with as soon as possible. Alison will reply within 24 hours to acknowledge receipt of your complaint, and will then reply within 5 working days with potential solutions. All complaints will be kept confidential.

Updated July 2024

About these terms

The terms outlined in the document apply to all members of The All A-Board Artists.

Age limit

You must be over 18 years old or over to become a member.


All A-Board Artists membership is a subscription service that renews automatically every month, or until you choose to leave us or downgrade/upgrade your payment. We strongly advise that your first enrolment occurs on the first of the month so that you gain the most from the subject we are covering and do not miss any benefit of your membership. If you choose to leave, your membership will terminate at the date and time of booking meaning that you may be unable to access the specific parts of this website that relate to your chosen level of membership.

Membership is for individuals only

All memberships are for individuals only and the benefits only apply to the person whose name the membership was registered to. Alison and employees of Downend Farm Studio/Learning to Paint reserve the right to ask for proof of ID and to refuse custom from fraudulent use of a membership.

Use of technology to access membership

We will attempt, at every requested opportunity, to assist anyone who wishes to become a member with their technology. However, we do assume that you have a basic level of understanding of websites, devices and software, as if we currently have a high demand or Alison is away from her desk, it may not be possible to assist you as quickly as you might like. One of the first places we suggest you enquire if you need help is the Facebook group as collective knowledge can be invaluable.

Passwords and discount codes

You have the responsibility of safeguarding your passwords and discount codes. To access the dedicated section of this website for All A-Board members, you will need to create an account. This also allows you to view payments and store card details. Alison has no access to this area so is not able to assist with a lost password, please go through the password reset instructions on the site. Discount codes are closely monitored by Learning to Paint and any misuse will result in the instant termination of All A-Board membership without warning.

Classes/Other discounts

All A-Board Artists members will receive 10% off Alison C. Board’s Paint Along Workshops. This discount excludes All A-Board Artists membership, private lessons, gift vouchers, Tilseds Online, Summer School, classes at Downend Farm Studio/Stourpaine Village Hall run by another tutor and any classes, events and demonstrations Alison holds at another venue. It is the responsibility of the member to enter their discount code at checkout in the online transaction and discounts cannot be used retrospectively, please do not request it as a refund if it was not used at the time of booking. Discount codes are closely monitored by Learning to Paint and any misuse will result in the instant termination of All A-Board membership without warning.

Members-only events

A small selection of in person events will be ticketed and tickets will be sold through Alison’s website on a first-come-first-served basis. Alison reserves the right to cancel an event for any reason, but if this should occur she will endeavour to give as much notice as possible.

Open studio sessions

A small selection of in person events will be made available to members who will have the opportunity to attend at Downend Farm Studio. Places may be limited. Any additional fees will only cover costs and Alison will not profit from this. Events will be ticketed, and tickets will be sold through Alison’s website on a first-come-first-served basis. Alison reserves the right to cancel an event for any reason, but if this should occur a refund will be issued. If you wish to cancel your place you need to give Alison at least 48 hours notice prior to the session in writing, either via email or post. If you fail to attend two open studio sessions without notification you will not be permitted to attend any future open studio sessions.

Navigation links away from the Learning to Paint website.

For the purposes of tuition, we will often provide you with a link to a website away from learningtopaint.co.uk. These links are for current members only and should not be shared with any third party. Any access or viewing outside of paid membership will be seen as a breach of copyright and will be treated as a criminal offence.

Online Sessions

Live Tuition and some Observational Demonstrations will be accessible through Zoom and it is the responsibility of each member to safeguard themselves and observe online etiquette during these sessions. Alison reserves the right to immediately, and without warning, eject anyone not deemed to be conducting themselves in a manner befitting the convention of these sessions.


We take copyright very seriously and any breach of copyright either by the use of protected images, video footage or resources will be immediately dealt with.

Changes to these terms

We may at any time unilaterally change these terms by publishing a new version on our website. You are responsible for regularly reviewing our website to look out for updates.  By continuing to use our website and services after any such change you will be considered to have accepted the change.

Termination of membership

You can terminate your membership at any time; however, you will not be eligible for a refund. If we discover an individual has contravened any of these terms and conditions their membership will be cancelled immediately, and Alison reserves the right to refuse the individual access to any services or products she may offer.


Often errors are made in the booking process and Alison will endeavour to make sure that all members understand how to upgrade or downgrade a membership during their time with the group. All refunds cost Alison fees and admin charges and so, if you should require your subscription to be refunded, there will be a standard admin cost of £10.00 per transaction for monthly fees or 10% per transaction for yearly fees.


Last updated January 2025


Learning to Paint/Alison C. Board may use cookies, web beacons, tracking pixels, and other tracking technologies when you visit our website learningtopaint.co.uk, including any other media form, media channel, mobile website, or mobile application related or connected thereto (collectively, the “Site”) to help customise the Site and improve your experience.

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For more information about how we use information collected by cookies and other tracking technologies, please refer to our Privacy Policy [CLICK HERE]/posted on the Site. This Cookie Policy is part of and is incorporated into our Privacy Policy. By using the Site, you agree to be bound by this Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy.


If you have questions or comments about this Cookie Policy, please contact us at:

Alison C. Board, Downend Farm Studio, 3 Downend Farm, Bushes Road, Stourpaine, Dorset, DT11 8SY
07807 024194